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Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Re-modelled front elevation

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Entrance awning with hardwood frame and smoked perspex sheet

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Timber lined skylights to watch the clouds

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

High timber lined raking ceilings to extension of living spaces

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

New backyard living area extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Feature vertical timber screen to form entrance foyer

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Glazed gable to capture more natural light and increase the view of the sky

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

New re-modelled entrance

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Blending natural stone and timber to create a softened elevation

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Detail of stone, aggregate concrete floor and timber

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Detail of stonework

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Timber lining to the ceiling and skylight reveals

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Kingsley house renovation and extension

Aggregate concrete path

Original front elevation

Original front elevation

Typical 1980's house

Original rear elevation

Original rear elevation

Typical 1980's house

Original building
Original building









Spoonbill Grove, Kingsley


Renovation and extension to existing single storey residence


Construction tender


Minimal impact on the existing structure but presenting a dramatic change and modification to the front elevation.

One of the big challenges was addressing the low height of the existing roof eaves that will only just fit a standard door height under them. Consequently, when proposing to increase the floor height of the new patio at the rear of the home to match the internal levels, a smart solution was needed in the detailing to produce generous ceiling heights.

The low eaves height continues at the front of the property and by introducing a feature frame to the entrance design we are able to provide the opportunity to incorporate an oversized entry door and create a grand entrance.


"If you are not sure what to do with your block of land or how to go about your renovation, get in touch for a no obligation chat over coffee."

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